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API Documentation

Getting Started

API Authentication

For every API request you make, you will need to make sure to be authenticated with the API by passing your API key to the request header. You can find an example below.

Example API Request:

curl '<APP_BASE_URL>/api/v1/stats' \
    -H "Authorization: ApiKey <YOUR_API_KEY>"

Where to find your API Key?

Your API Key is located in the "Service Authorization Header" section, that you can find in your Dashboard. It's the text on the right of ApiKey. It looks like this: 018d2452-6b7f-7574-a758-68375a1fbe40.


Please make sure not to expose your API key publicly. If you believe your API key may be compromised, you should always regenerate it.

256-bit HTTPS Encryption

You should always use HTTPS to access the API. Accessing an API endpoint using HTTPS is crucial for ensuring secure and encrypted communication, protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access and potential security threats.

API Errors

API errors consist of status code and message response. If an error occurs, the API will also return HTTP status codes, such as 404 for "not found" errors. If your API request succeeds, HTTP status code 200 will be sent.

Example Error:

    "status": 401,
    "message": "Your API Key is not valid."

API Features

Statistics Data

You can use the API's stats endpoint in order to obtain nutrition data from one or multiple days of your diary.

Example API Request:

curl '<APP_BASE_URL>/api/v1/stats' \
    -H "Authorization: ApiKey <YOUR_API_KEY>"

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

Object Description
date_from Filter results based on a specific timeframe by passing a from-date in YYYY-MM-DD format. You can also specify an exact time in ISO-8601 date format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
date_to Filter results based on a specific timeframe by passing an end-date in YYYY-MM-DD format. You can also specify an exact time in ISO-8601 date format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
interval Filter results based on an interval in the timeframe selected. Available values: day (Default), week, month, year.
fields Select information needed and optimize bandwidth with a partial response. Example: If you want to only need the values for calories and proteins, you should set the value calories,proteins. By default, everything is returned.
sort By default, results are sorted by date/time descending. Use this parameter to specify a sorting order. Available values: DESC (Default), ASC.
limit Specify a pagination limit (number of results per page) for your API request. Default limit value is 100, maximum allowed limit value is 500.
offset Specify a pagination offset value for your API request. Example: An offset value of 100 combined with a limit value of 10 would show results 100-110. Default value is 0, starting with the first available result.
filter Filter results based on filtering values. You need to use the template field[operator]:number where field is a nutrition title, operator is either gt (Greater than) or lt (Less than) and number is a numeric value. You can have multiple filter by using a comma between them. Example: calories[lt]:1350,proteins[gt]:50 will return results where calories are less than 1350 and proteins are greater than 50.

Example API Response:

    "pagination": {
        "limit": 100,
        "offset": 0,
        "total": 6,
        "count": 6
    "results": {
        "2024-01-01": {
            "calories": 2167.44,
            "kilojoules": 9102.75,
            "fat": 73.96,
            "carbohydrates": 196.78,
            "sugars": 51.87,
            "fiber": 18.36,
            "proteins": 172.58,
            "saturated-fat": 34.11,
            "salt": 2.77

API Response Objects:

Response Object Description
pagination > limit Returns your pagination limit value.
pagination > offset Returns your pagination offset value.
pagination > count Returns the results count on the current page.
pagination > total Returns the total count of results available.
results Returns the list of all the results.
results > YYYY-MM-DD Returns the nutrition data of the current data object.

Journal Data

Using the API's journal endpoint you will be able to look up all information about a specific day of your diary.

Example API Request:

curl '<APP_BASE_URL>/api/v1/journal' \
    -H "Authorization: ApiKey <YOUR_API_KEY>"

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

Object Description
date Select result based on a specific day by passing a date in YYYY-MM-DD format. You can also specify an exact time in ISO-8601 date format, e.g. 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.

Example API Response:

    "pagination": {
        "count": 1
    "results": [
            "nutrition": {
            "entryDetails": [
            "entry": {
                "dateTime": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
                "items": [
                "stats": [],
                "id": 44

API Response Objects:

Response Object Description
pagination > count Returns the results count on the current page.
results Returns the list of all the results.
results > nutrition Returns the nutrition data of the current day.
results > entryDetails Returns the details about each specific food entry of the current day.
results > entry Returns the general entry info with an items list of the current day.


The data returned could change a lot from one person to another depending on how you configure your mobile app and on what data you send, but this template should be the same.

Synchronisation Endpoint

The sync endpoint is used to synchronise the Waistline mobile application with the API.
This endpoint is called when the application shares the diary data.
You can use it manually if you want to insert the data yourself.

Example API Request:

curl '<APP_BASE_URL>/api/v1/sync' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H "Authorization: ApiKey <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
    -d '{
            "nutrition": {
                "calories": 2350
            "entry": {
                "dateTime": "2024-01-05T00:00:00.000Z"


Object Description
nutrition [Required] Nutritional details of the day
entryDetails Represents details about each specific food entry
entry General entry info with items list
entry > dateTime [Required] Date and time of the entry


As long as you send valid JSON, the data will be inserted in the database, but in order to see the data in other API endpoints you should use the required fields.

Example API Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Data synchronized."

API Response Objects:

Response Object Description
status HTTP status code
message Return 'Data synchronized.' if the data was inserted

Health Endpoint

The health endpoint permit to monitor if there isn't any problem with the app.
No authentication required for this endpoint.

Example API Request:

curl '<APP_BASE_URL>/api/v1/health'

Example API Response:

    "healthy": true

API Response Objects:

Response Object Description
healthy Return true if everything is ok


If a non-200 HTTP status code is returned or if the returned healthy field is false the service should be considered as unhealthy.